Members of Generation Z are expected to make up approximately one-quarter of the global workforce in 2020. As Baby Boomers continue to retire over the next decade and millennials enter senior management roles, Generation Z is anticipated to make up one-third of the workforce. As a manager, you are responsible for attracting, managing, and retaining Generation Z employees. This involves knowing what motivates them and how to engage them to boost productivity and company loyalty. As future leaders in your organization, the time to start grooming Generation Z employees is now.

Implement these tips to manage your Generation Z employees effectively.

Offer Flexibility 

Generation Z employees want as much flexibility as possible. They tend to work harder and stay longer at a company that supports a flexible schedule. Although Generation Z employees enjoy a social working environment, they also appreciate the option to work remotely. Provide collaboration apps, project management software, and other remote work tools to keep Generation Z employees connected, engaged, and productive. Promote unplugging at the end of each day to encourage work-life balance.

Provide Information 

Generation Z employees want the requested information as quickly as possible. Because they grew up having information available when they needed it, they expect the same in the workplace. Instead of waiting for monthly performance measures, Generation Z employees want immediate access to real-time performance data and track them in line with goals and objectives. Rather than waiting for quarterly reports, Generation Z employees expect current company information upon request. Instead of annual surveys, Generation Z employees want to provide immediate feedback to resolve issues as they arise.

Share Visual Content  

Generation Z employees want visual modes of communication to receive information. They prefer to receive content through infographics, presentations, videos, and interactive quizzes more than long text forms. This is especially important to remember when sharing information about employee engagement, training, onboarding, and performance reviews.

Regularly Communicate 

Generation Z employees expect regular internal communication. Going through a recession with their parents taught them that knowledge and transparency are required for job stability. Generation Z employees want a centralized approach to communication to keep them in the loop. A streamlined platform encourages them to collaborate, stay engaged, and stay current on company developments. Include video calls, regular check-ins, and teambuilding activities to promote communication.

Hire Generation Z Employees 

Hire Generation Z employees through KBW Financial Staffing & Recruiting. We send you local candidates with the knowledge and qualifications you require to enhance your business success. Reach out to us today.

About KBW Financial Staffing & Recruiting

KBW Financial Staffing & Recruiting is the leading provider of staffing and recruiting services in the areas of finance and accounting. Since 2005, KBW has provided thousands of clients with temporary and direct-hire staffing services throughout Greater Boston, New Hampshire, and Maine.

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